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Terrific journalism on a troubling topic

Charles Piller writes in Science, “Blots On a Field? A neuroscience image sleuth finds signs of fabrication in scores of Alzheimer’s articles, threatening a reigning theory of the disease.” It is a terrific piece of journalism that raises questions about a long unproven theory about Alzheimer’s disease.  The new questions are fueled by allegations of fraud…

Cholesterol gene hype: “cure…stopping the biggest killer on earth”

Step outside pandemic news coverage for a moment and get re-introduced to incredible hype of non-pandemic news. MIT Technology Review posted this headline: In the article, the CEO of the biotech company doing the study was quoted saying: “If this works and is safe, this is the answer to heart attack—this is the cure,” Those…

NYT proclaims “Breaking News”!

Breaking News! What does that mean?  Besides sinking to the level of the old TV news style of “If it bleeds, it leads” newscasts. But the New York Times trotted out that tired old trope by tweeting, ‘Breaking News: A brain implant allowed a fully paralyzed man to communicate using his thoughts, a newly published…

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